Strengthening Humanitarian Preparedness & Response (SHPR) Project
This project started in order to provide basic Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) services focused on the provision of groundwater, safe and inclusive latrine and the distribution of hygiene materials to the host community and people with special needs”. It is a Christian Aid (CAID) led consortium project.
Implemented Places | No of Covered Components | Target Population | Duration | Donor |
14, 15 and 18 under Ukhya Upazila of Cox’s Bazar | 5 (Wash, protection, health, nutrition and livelihood activities) | 100250
August 2019 – March 2021 | Supported by DFID and managed by UNOPS. |
- Rohingya Refugees and the host community, mostly women reached with cash assistance and livelihood support, such as latrines, bathing, hand washing, adequate and safe water.
- Target people trained regarding soft skills, community leadership, decision making, basic rights, proper use of water, sanitation facilities and hygiene kits.
- Families from host communities got support for entrepreneurship development/business planning and income generation.
- Community got aware regarding existing government social protection schemes, e.g. safety nets, food for work, cash for work tailoring both genders and different age groups.
Action Pictures

Rohingya community women involved in handicraft works
Community Mobilization Session of Community Based Protection Watch Group

Rohingya community women in a hands-on training session on handicraft products
WASH Committee Members Capacity Building Training Session

Rohingya community women and men attending hygienic food processing session at the camp
DFID Visitors are testing the foods just prepared by Rohingya trained women