Microfinance Program

Since 1992, DSK has been implementing its micro finance program and has been implementing the program in 35 Upazilas and five city corporations in twelve districts of the country. To carry out this enormous task, 1,345 staff is providing services through 155 branches. Among the branches, there are seventy-six (76) branches in urban areas (49%), thirty-four (34) (22%) in sub-urban areas and forty-five (29%) in rural areas. In order to improve the socio-economic development of  the poor clients, in the fiscal year 2020-2021 DSK has disbursed a loan of BDT 10.74 billion among its members, collected an installments of BDT 10.28 billion, and has an outstanding of BDT 6.63 billion at the field (June 30,2021). The DSK members have accumulated a total of BDT 2.69 billion as savings with DSK, although BDT 1.49 billion was withdrawn in the financial year 2020-2021.

In the by-gone period, despite a challenging situation like lockdowns related to C-19 pandemic, a total surplus of Tk 28.68 crores has been achieved against the target of Tk 23.32 crores in the last financial year. The service charge recovered in the last financial year was Tk 135.6 crores while the target was Tk 149.36 crores. In the social responsibility sector, DSK spent Tk 1.98 crores in the current financial year. On the other hand, at the end of current financial year, DSK equity stands at Tk 192 crores. Besides the above, DSK provided free hand sanitizers and masks to the staff, supplied infra-red thermometers to all the branch offices, encouraged branch offices to spray disinfectants, such as bleaching powder solution in and around the office. Besides, hand wash facility and free masks were provided to those members who visited DSK offices, and covered treatment costs at home and hospitals for the staff and clients who were infected by C-19. Projects related to microfinance program 1) Pathways to Prosperity for Extremely Poor People- PPEPP. 3) Samriddhi Project 4) Sanitation Development Loan Project 5) Micro-enterprise Development (MDP) Project 6) Sustainable Enterprise Project (SEP)

Samriddhi Project

The project is being implemented in Durgapur of Netrokona district with integrated resource development of poor families. These are being implemented with financial and overall technical support of PKSF with the goal of alleviating poverty. Services are being provided to 29,689 people belonging to 7,159 extremely poor households through two branches. This project provides services that include primary healthcare, education coaching, youth development, special savings, family development plans, environmental component and activities covering senior citizens

Health Care

A total of 346 static clinics provided primary health care services to 2,056 people, and ten satellite clinics provided health services to 216 patients. Through one eye camp, 181 people have been given general eye treatment services, and seventy-six patients went through cataract surgery. Besides, anti-helminth, Iron and calcium tablets were distributed. 401 antenatal and 564 postnatal services have been provided. Five thousand seven hundred seventy-three persons went through blood test for Diabetes and 563 health cards were issued.

Education Coaching Centers

A total of eight hundred ninety-five students (402 male and 493 female students) were provided with afternoon coaching lessons through thirty five education centers in twenty-eight villages. This was done to prevent dropouts from mainstream education system. At each coaching center, a two-hour lesson was conducted with thirty students. Such coaching covered early childhood development (ECD), class I, and class II grades.

Youth in Development

In order to facilitate growth of social values of the target youth community and to ensure voluntary participation in various social development activities, nine ward committees and one union youth committee have been formed. So far, nineteen youths have been trained in various skills, of which nine have been employed outside DSK.

Special Savings component

To improve the depressed economic status of women-headed HHs, and to facilitate acceptance and respect to the disabled people and to promote and support poor HHs’ savings tendency and asset-building, asset-ownership by women and overall through encouraging savings mobilization and asset building, increase the income of the target HHs. In the by-gone period, total sixty HHs inclusive of three disabled HH who saved 77,000 BDT and seven women-led HHs could save 130,000 BDT.

Environment component

In order to popularize the use of bio-technology among the target population, a total of 309 vermin compost plants have been setup in FY 2020-2021, inclusive of additional twelve. These plants produced 366,538 KGs of compost last year and, so far, 1,287,800 KGs of compost have been sold in the market. Targeted family members are cultivating Vasaka leaves on public and private lands in consultation with the Union Parishad. During the reported period, there were 44,858 living seedlings, and 1,398 KGs of leaves had been produced. Value of the above in the market is BDT 50,320.

Family Improvement Plan

Necessary counseling, training, and financial assistance were provided to ensure maximum utilization of the existing resources and capabilities of the target HHs. This was done to increase the financial capacity of the target population in Samriddhi project. Also further to improve the standard of living, and alleviate poverty through household asset increase. Depending on the loan requirements of each member and their ability to use the loan, three types of loans were disbursed, namely: income-generating loans, living standard improvement loans and asset formation loans.

Senior Citizen Component

1,919 senior citizens of Durgapur Union have been reached by this component to improve their living standards. Under the senior citizen’s component, a senior citizen’s committee has been formed; the best- performing senior citizen and best caring child were given certificates of appreciation; senior citizen allowances were distributed, and grants were given in relation to funerals.

Pathways to Prosperity for Extremely Poor People-PPEPP Project

The three main components are: improving the quality of life of the intended population; nutrition quality development, and community mobilization. In the fiscal year 2020-2021, nine batches of training on poultry farming, six batches on home stead gardening, and three batches on fish farming skills had been organized. A total of four hundred fifty trainees participated in the training. Nutrition activities include nutrition gardens, mother and child forums, the formation of adolescent clubs, meetings to connect local community clinics, practical sessions on kit boxes, and awareness meetings with the Upazila Health Complex. Under the community mobilization component, prosperity village committee formation, formation of youth forum and behavior change sessions were organized. Besides, trainings were provided to improve target community members’ skills on their income generation activities. In addition, to enhance the skills of the project staff, five senior staff were trained on the identification of extremely poor households. Through this training exercise, they were practically engaged to identify sixty extreme poor HHs. This was organized by PKSF.

Adolescent Component

All the activities of the adolescent components were implemented through adolescent clubs and forums. Under this component, sixteen youth clubs (female) having eight hundred eighty-seven (female) adolescents and eight (male) youth clubs having two hundred forty (male) adolescents have been formed. A total of ten school forums had been formed in five schools in Durgapur upazila, and five in Karimganj upazila. The total number of members of the forums is three hundred sixteen, of which two hundred twenty are male and ninety-eight are female. They were provided orientations on adolescent health, nutrition, social values and awareness, leadership development, and life skills orientations. During the reported period, one hundred fifty-nine-yard meetings, sixty-nine social value formation and awareness activities were conducted; eighty awareness sessions on adolescent health, conducted; sanitary napkins distributed to five hundred forty-nine adolescents (female).

Sanitation Development Loan Scheme

There are gaps in Sanitation and Hygiene coverage in urban and rural areas of Bangladesh. DSK is implementing a “Sanitation Development Loan Scheme” in Telihati Union of Gazipur District; this project targets to ensure hundred per cent safe sanitation and hygiene of the target households. This loan component is financed by PKSF, and backed by World Bank loan window. In the past financial year, BDT 1,270,000 have been disbursed as loan to eighty-five loanees. So far, one hundred toilets have been installed against the target of one hundred sixty-seven.

Micro Enterprise Development Project (MDP)

DSK is implementing the Micro Enterprise Development (MDP) project. The purpose of the project is in a specific geographic location, there are some area-specific special products being produced by the local entrepreneurs. However, they lack access to larger markets and better opportunities for sale. Therefore, they experience loss in business. In this backdrop, DSK is supporting this type of local entrepreneurs through training, skill building and provision of necessary loan capital. In this connection, in the bygone year, BDT 85,495,000 was disbursed to six hundred thirty-five entrepreneurs through thirty-nine branches. Participation and recovery rate of the loans are satisfactory.

Sustainable Enterprise Project (SEP)

The Jatrabari, Jurain, Siddhirganj, and Fatullah branches of DSK are implementing SEP under the supervision of PKSF. Project funding is coming from the World Bank. The purpose of the project is to introduce income-generating opportunities for the targeted group-based microenterprises or small businesses. Above is being done through investment in activities that are resource and market-efficient, creates low pollution and are environmentally sound. The project assistance provides necessary technical assistance to enter the larger market through production of environmentally sound and high-quality products and services. As of June 2021, a total of sixty-five members have been covered under the project, and sixty-one received loans amounting to BDT 4,320,000.


The e-commerce work of DSK has started. A three-member team under the leadership of microfinance consultant is working. There is an active facebook page where the products are displayed. NRB Bazar.com, an e-commerce platform has a page titled “DSK Product.” DSK is now in the process of establishing a web-based software platform to further strengthen and make its e-commerce activities visible.