WOP Project
The project, supported by WOP, is being implemented in Sagarika slum area in Mirpur of Dhaka. The project will come to a close in May 2022. VEI, a government utility in the Netherlands, is financing the project. The project aims to increase the legally supplied water connections and improve the quantity of supplied water to customers. Low-income customers should pay WASA bills accessing a legal water connection, and regularize water supply to service providers. Success includes prevention of water wastage in DMA Area-1004 (Commercial and Residential), ensuring safe water supply, strengthening CBO organization, provision of hygiene education and relationship with customers and WASA, liaison with various departments of Dhaka WASA (community program and customer relation (CPCR) Division, Revenue Zone-13, MODS Zone-13, DMA-1004). The project successfully involves the community in maintenance of water supply, repair and maintenance of installed water points, removal and prevention of illegal connections, and regular collection of water bills.